Hello dearies,
Hope your feeling fine and dandy. The shop has been a rather pleasant place to be of late. Our day jobs are rather busy at the moment so the calm of our handmade haven is very welcome!
We spent the most of today working on some fleece creations, there's a chance we might be able to have a stall at a craft fair specifically for kids so we wanted to explore some 'child friendly' fabrics. The fleece we brought is soooo soft, i had to resist stroking it! we used some old 'Misc Monsters' templates, and think we are pretty happy with there look. We are just going to make sure that all of them have felt face panels as the fleece is super fluffy, so if we sew straight onto the fleece you cant see it! I think my favorite is the purple Kangaroo, it looks like hes being held up for his money or something.
(sorry for the fuzzy pictures...the camera was not playing ball...as is the way with technology.)
Its El's nephews first birthday soon so she spent some of her day working on this little beauty for a birthday present...
You cant tell in the picture that well, but his body is a big 3d ball made from beige cord (a bit like the pipsqueaks but a lot bigger) There's a chance we might make a few more for the shop, what'cha think??
We also took delivery of some amasing jewellery by the talented Bijoux Des Fauves. For those of you who love rather 'quirky' jewellery i think your going to like what this lady does. I'm rather taken with the big grizzly bear necklace myself...i think there may be a genuine need for on in my life!

We also took delivery of some amasing jewellery by the talented Bijoux Des Fauves. For those of you who love rather 'quirky' jewellery i think your going to like what this lady does. I'm rather taken with the big grizzly bear necklace myself...i think there may be a genuine need for on in my life!
The tags which she uses are simply amazing, i do believe there will send an email to her shortly asking if she would be interested in making up some prints of them to sell at the shop.
On that zoological note I'm going to sign off, but not before bestowing my words of gratitude to all of ya'll that listen to our sporadic ramblings here...we truly wish we were better at this blogging malarkey but sometimes it is hard to find the time between running the shop and going to work, so if your there....THANK YOU. the support you provide is immense and we would be lost without.