Afternoon lovely people... thought we'd pop by today with a picture postcard received from the giant dust bunny. she has re-named herself 'Daisy' (very suitable i think, due to her flowery attire)

The postcard says "Dear StuffedNonsense, i have just arrived at my new home and i have to say that i am very impressed with my new house. it is lovely and warm and i get fed lots of flapjacks...which are very tasty. take care, Daisy."
So its great to hear that Daisy is happy....and full up on flap jacks!!
Now....we have a very special new guest at Hotel Stuffed Nonsense. Shes an over seas visitor who is sleeping off her tiresome ferry journey as we speak.ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to
she has come over from France and is staying with us until the craft fair as she is hoping to experience some true British culture.she loves to snuffle about it almost empty jam jars and slurp out the last splodges of jam. she likes to sing in the bath and has a lovely soft voice. Her tongue is very long when she is not troffing around in jam jars she rolls it up.
We are very glad that she is here to stay for a while....she has such a calming influence.
That's all for this afternoon
That's all for this afternoon
We Will Be Back Soon