Yesterday we packed our monster making supplies and headed on down to the Art Gallery in Cheltenham. There were 15 expectant kiddos waiting for us to divulge to them the secrets of how to make a monster StuffedNonsense style.
We set up and enjoyed a cuppa and five minutes peace before we began...
(That's right dear readers....contrary to popular belief we stuff our creations with clouds not stuffing...or so this picture suggests.)
(El got her tea in the most awesome dinosaur mug...but perhaps I'm biased as the Stegosaurus is my favorite dinosaur)The talented young pipsqueaks arrived and set to cutting, stuffing and sewing with great gusto. It was great to see them all going for it and enjoying sewing. The results were fabulous!...

(I loved this little girls guinea pig, she made another one in blue as well, i think she might go home and make lots more! she seemed to enjoy herself loads!)
(The blue one had tap shoes on!)

(The kids that made these four paid so much attention to detail it was fascinating! check out the wings on the one on the far right!)
(These two guys kind of stole the show though....please may i introduce you to...'Super Bat' & 'Bug Boy', the little guy that made these two had such fun playing with them after, it was seriously cute.)

(I love this ones apron, a scarf AND a bow in her hair!)

(A super talented mother and daughter sewing team made these two guys.)

Hope they weren't too scary for you!
We will be back soon with some new creations.