I know what your thinking lovely followers...'surely the StuffedNonsense girls can not be so organised as to actually be doing things for Christmas in ADVANCE? Surely not?!!' Well...it's true...or not reading things, it's like we've suddenly become organised or something. I think its because getting ready for the Thames Festival was a wee bit stressful and if we're honest we should have started making a lot earlier than we did; so we've learnt from our mistakes and, in preparation of the flurry of Christmas markets we have planned, we're making in advance!

I thought I'd start the Christmas making with some Embroidered Snow Flake Decorations. We made some last year, when we still had the shop, and they proved to be popular so thought we'd give them another go. I couldn't find the right type of calico/linen fabric (I wanted it the shade of beige shown in the pictures with the tiny brown flecks running through it) I had to compromise and buy a metre of canvas fabric (which is what is pictured) but its a bit too thick and hurts my fingers a little bit...at least its the right colour tho'.
There going to be sewn so they make a stuffed ornament (similar to the way you make lavender bags), I spent a while last night trying to find some nice Christmas fabric for the back, but ended up walking away from the computer frustrated. All the fabrics I came across were either too old fashioned and fussy or too 'designed' (i.e. fabric with lots of owls in hats on)...I think we're just going to go for some polka dot fabric.
Where do you guys got for lovely fabric...i tried our usual haunts (
seamstar and
fabric rehab) but even they didn't have anything right...maybe we're just being to fussy?
Anyway, I'm off to cut out lots of felt moustaches.... I'll save them for another day.