Hello dearest followers. Sorry for the small gap in communications,we had a few craft fairs and Easter to struggle through but we're back in fine form.
We spent all day yesterday re-stocking our Etsy and Folksy shops. The both of us morphed into some sort of crazy efficient team...El took the Photos and I listed the items, as a result the Etsy shop shelves are groaning under the sheer weight of handmade wonders...The Folksy shop needs a bit more work but there's the weekend for that...right?
Anyways, El took some snaps of my studio in between product photos
This is Clyde, he's a good friends dog that I look after 3/4 times a week...he doesn't normally look this sad. |
His favourite place to sit is on the lap of the person who's using the computer (he's not fussy as to who's using the computer...as long as they have a lap) He's quite the internet whiz dont'cha know. |
Please excuse the grubby light switch, there was a sticker on it when we first moved in and it's left it's mark. |
You can see my wall of bird in the background here...and unfortunately you can see me in a rather grubby day off from work outfit. |
Jars of stuff...buttons, scrabble tokens, ribbons, fuzzy felts etc |
Did I mention I collect Playmobil figures?...it's a growing to be a genuine issue. |
This one is my favourite. |
And this is the view from my studio window. There's been some crazy weather in the U.K. at the moment and Cheltenham has been no exception, we've had some rather beautiful clouds hanging around...these ones are no exception! |
Rightio, that's all for now, I'm off to go for a coffee before work.
(I'll do a proper post on all the new items over the weekend...maybe a little discount offer too...)