Good Evening, How are you all doing?
We think its about time that we got on with this featured seller business (as this was something we wanted to roll out in December!...never let it be said that we are un-organised!)
So without further ado...
Ladies and gentlemen please may we introduce you to the wonderful creations and talent of Emma Castle; the mastermind and fabricator behind Bagladee.
This lovely lady has been brightening up our Internet world for a while now thanks to her cheerful blog and attitude to making.
Every item that she makes is soo wonderfully finished and designed that they leave you in wonderment. No job is too small or large for Emma, she delights in the challenge of a custom order.
If the Bagladee lovelies we have in the shop aren't quite what your looking for please hop over to her
blog or
etsy shop! we guarantee you wont be disappointed! The pictures speak for themselves really!

Emma very kindly agreed to answer a few questions for us...
1.Who are you influenced by.
I would have to say my fellow bloggers that I have met throughout the time I've been crafting....they are so lovely. Being in a creative social environment always inspires me.
2.Whats your favorite thing to make?
Oh no, can I only choose 1? Well I'm going to cheat and pick 2!! Machine Sewing: it has to be making the new bags in my collection, they are more challenging to make and I like a good challenge! Hand sewing: it would have to be my felt brooches, I like nothing better than a cup of tea, sitting with a mountain of felt around me and my sewing tray on my lap.
3.Whats the best thing about being able to sew/make things by hand?
The look of appreciation and admiration on a recipients face when they see what you've created.
4.Tea or Coffee?
Tea, no coffee, no tea....errrmm both!! I have to admit I drink far too much coffee, I own a very lovely coffee machine so I'm a bit partial to a latte or cappuccino or two :)
5.Whats your favorite colour?
Magenta, with teal a very close 2nd.
6.Who's stuff are you loving/liking at the moment (folksy shops,etsy shops etc)
Obviously I'm a fan of the quirky little creations from Stuffed nonsense, but I also lovely paper-and-string, sweetpoppycat, shoofly on etsy. I have to confess I don't spend half as much time on folksy as I'd like, but I do love my friends shop mybeadyeye on folksy, she does the loveliest jewellery.
7.High Street or Hand Made Street?
Handmade is always a winner over hightstreet but sometimes its necessary to buy hightstreet over handmade (sorry!) although I'm definitely not a label lover and I'm always conscious of where my purchases are coming from and how they are made.
8.If you were stuck desert island what three things would take with you?
My sewing kit
My journal
I could sew until my heart is content whilst listening to my favourite songs and writing ideas and drawings in my journal.....can I be stranded now pleaseeee?? :)
Sooo there you have it, that is Bagladee, please pop over and say hi because she is a lovely lady who we know would be pleased to hear from you!
We will be back on Saturday with some new HandMade For Haiti News!
Posted by Bex