O.K. so when we said we would be back on Saturday with some more info on HandMade for Haiti what we meant to say was we will be back a week on Saturday...hope your not disappointed in us...and if you are we hope we can fix it with some lovely pictures for you right now!
So we're going to let you know about the four (yep that's right four!) new and exclusive sellers to StuffedNonsense. They have ohh so kindly donated some of their handmade wonders to our cause...but be quick...their lovelies are only here for the 27th and two weeks after that, then they will be winging their way back to their masters.
O.K....Ready? Then we shall begin....
First up we have NelliD, we are super chuffed that this talented lady wanted to help our village tea party inspired fundraiser. We've had our beady eyes on her handmade wonders for a while. She describes herself as an 'eccentric British designer, with a love for all things Royal Britannia and Kitsch Fairy tales. Her choice of colour and shape in her jewellery is seriously cute. She also has a healthy appreciation for face hair...something which is must for us (as both of our handsome young man friends have hairy faces.) See for yourself...

I'm am seriously a little bit in love with these beauties, the gold flamingos are wonderful.

Next up we have Oh Badgers. OhBadgers is run by Steph and she is an illustration student with a rather lovely talent for making lovely things. we were first attracted to her work because she uses lots of images of birds (and I love birds...in fact I'm typing this with my favorite bird jumper on!). we love her Screen Printed Owl envelopes

Find more of her lovely work on her folksy shop, or her etsy shop.
Then we have, the wonderful creations of Olly from Wollies. We've had dealings with this talented young lady before and we have to say that's he is truly charming. She describes her work as 'Colourful, Quirky and Made with care' We are in love with every item she comes up with

Lastly but by no means least we have the ohh so talented Lou Peaujeux, She is a freelance illustrator with some serious style! Her cards are wonderful, we love the way she makes them around commonly used sayings such as these awesome cards

And we just love her style of illustrations, especially (yep you guessed it) her birds...

Well, what do you think? its going to be an awesome day isn't it? we've just got the metres of bunting to make and the cakes and then we should be there...fingers crossed! we will keep you posted and promise to take lots of pictures of the day for you (if you can't come!)
Speak Soon
Posted by Bex
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