We thought that the girlie's would like them and perhaps some trendy mums maybe?
Well, that's it for today. will try and take some more snaps of bits and pieces for you later on in the week!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Familiar Faces...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Eye Candy Anyone??

As is usual with us creative types Abigail also makes other delights...

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Jewellery Jewellery Every Where!!
And we've saved the best till last ladies and gentlemen....
yes...that's right people we are working on a range of embroidered pictures of world famous moustaches!! being firm fans of facial hair we thought it was about time we stitched a few. what do you think? we love them but are worried they are a bit to specific...and perhaps a bit strange!Right....time to head off, looking forward to your feedback on the new items....if your happy to leave it!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Do You Know About...
I'm not sure what is about her work that i like so much, i think some of it is the simplicity of it all, her work reminds me of Richard Scarry in some ways, but i think that's down to the colours used.
This one is called Evil Poopicorn.
I'm quite taken with the eyes that the creatures have on some of her work...you've got to love the sleepy eye.
This one is called Birthday Dragon.
I had to put this one in because a) it is amazing and i would like it very much and b) i like dragons a lot...but only nice ones...not the nasty dragon war ones (this probably has something to do with the fact that at least once a year i re-read some fantasy books i first read when i was around 14...I'm now 24 and should probably consider growing up some time.....or not!)
Anyway, that's Amanda Visell, i hope you like!
Lots going on around here...
A little move around in the shop
The beginnings of a new embroidered moustache picture range (ohhhh that sounds exciting doesn't it)
Lots of felt buying for the Wychwood Festival (if your going please come and say hello...we will show you how to make a real cool monster we will!)
Ohhhh yeah...and freaking out about the whole weekend and the fact that the two of us are responsible for bunches of people, felt, needles, thread, buttons etc etc for ten whole hours!!!
Until next time lovelies
P.S. we found the pictures on BamPop's Flickr and also PrettyinPlastic