Saturday, April 3, 2010

Well Hello There....(Post Edited at the Bottom!)

Fancy meeting you lovely people!! We hope you are having a lovely Easter. Unfortunately our day jobs mean we have to go and sell tickets, scoop popcorn and pick up rubbish the whole weekend!! but rest assured we will be fitting in some bank holiday activities where we can (I'm planning on painting the sewing room at wessex drive in lovely shades of teal and ochre yellow!)
Anyway....we've been busy stitching and sewing as is the normal around these without further ado we bring you a round of photos from our little shop up the stairs!!....
We had a big order for some more Crabbittz from MADE so we spent a lot of last week working on those, and of course we had to buy new fabrics to play with at the same time!! (its a rule dont'cha know?)We are both rather taken with the fabric used on the top Crabbittz and the fabric on the third one down (which you can get from fabric rehab.)
We also had a young gentleman pop into the shop for a few days to do some work experience for his degree...I'm pretty sure we terrified the boy guy...but he left knowing how to use a sewing machine which i guess is something (although I'm pretty sure the things we taught him about sewing machines will make textile teachers all over the world turn over in their graves!! He made a Cat plush with a monocle...If you like why not pop over to his blog and say hello, his illustration work is rather good we think.
We also helped a young lady called Jody who asked if we could run her through how to make plush creations...she made lots and lots of these critters...Shes a very nice person who has a lovely eye for cool vintage things so we recommend her blog to you too!
We also made some new labels thanks to the wonderful tutorial over on bagladee's blog and now we want to sew them onto EVERYTHING!!!the cream cotton tape we used makes them look rather professional!
Hmmmm what else have we been up to?? ohhh, we brought three new sets of rubber alphabet stamps so spent most of yesterday stamping messages onto calico fabric in preparation for a brooch making session!!you should have seen the state of my fingers after all of that stamping!
Last but by no means least....i came across a Finnish tradition/fable called the soul bird or Sielulintu basically the soul bird is what gives and takes away your soul. in Finland they have ornamental ones on their bedside tables because the soul bird is also mean to keep you and dreams safe whilst your asleep which we think is just so cute. We felt an urge to make some sort of embroidered picture of one...

Theres the rubber stamps getting put to good use!!
What do you think? we made them with the idea that people would hang them by their beds?Well....we think this marathon post has lasted as long as it can!!
speak soon

P.S. Have just finished uploading photos from our first proper photo shoot on flickr, take a gander if you fancy it.


  1. Hi!! Thankyou for your lovely comment on my blog and an even bigger thankyou for buying one of my necklaces, I also love the Moomins even though they're a bit weird.

    I've really enjoyed reading your blog, I particularly love your little map of where you are, it made me chuckle! and the things you make are pretty awesome.

    Hayley x

  2. I have been eying up the floral fabric from FR used in the Crabbittz, it looks great used here and I love all your new alphabet stamps.

    Sounds like it's all go as usual over at SN, glad to hear what you've been up to!


  3. And they turned out fab :D well done ladies...the new stock looks fab.xx

  4. Hehe I see that as usual you ladies have been very busy making all sorts of lovely goodies and getting up to some mischief... I like you Crabbitz very muchly, they look very cheeky and remind me of the Rabbits in that Wallace and Gromit film where they suck tons of bunnies out of the earth and into a big jar where they float around in space.

    Hope you are having alot of eastery fun this weekend Xx

  5. Your shop looks lovely! Perhaps I will have to ship you up to Glasgow to make my washing lines for me :)

  6. I saw you blog in ''Bugs and fishes'' and came here because your blog's name is almost like the name of a song of Missy Higgins.
    I liked you blog, by the way, so i'll follow you.

  7. Hi, I really like your blog, I just found it and am an instant follower. Can't wait to hear about all the things you get up to. Very impressed you have a shop and would love to visit one day.
