Evening Y'all...
How goes it??
O.K. sooo this isn't exactly shop stuff but i think its something pretty cool (and its good to mix things up right?....if your nodding your head than do not fear...we have plans to shake the blog up a bit...eventually...once we've done the million and one other things we have to do...)
Anyway where was i?
My sewing desk at home cost me the grand total of nil pence. Eleri found it by the bins after she moved into her new flat. I guess who ever owned it couldn't be bothered to take it to charity. It was in almost perfect condition, the only issue being that where the desk top had been out in the rain it had kind of warped. I wasn't going to let that stop me. No Siree...
So i took it in, returned the 'dining table' to its rightful place and set up the new desk.
I spent a few days trying to find the right paper to cover the warped top with but found myself going round in circles. You know when you over think something and find yourself unable to come to a desicison? Well i was almost at that point. So i took the plunge...
On one of my weekly bargain hunting jaunts i came across a 50% off all books sale in a second hand book shop...
'Ohhh' said I 'I wonder if there may be something in here to aid with the desk covering conundrum?'
I stepped in through the door, got lost in the shelves for half an hour or so and came out with something....
Something i then proceeded to butcher and cut up once i got home....
I made rather a mess...
(ehhem...note the lovely newly painted walls and shelves...apologies to people that follow by rather sporadic posts at bexsbuttons you've all ready seen them.)
I cleaned up my mess and took a step back, I observed my work and thought aloud 'Oh dear Bex...what have you done??' my conclusion is either something wonderful...or something bad....i haven't decided yet. What do you think??
Your thoughts, are as always, very appreciated!
Normal StuffedNonsense broadcast will resume very shortly...she says with fingers crossed as she remembers that StuffedNonsense has a stall at a craft fair in two weeks....and no stock to go on said stall!!
Posted by Bex
hi el and bex, we're partnered for the a little bit greener swap so i thought i'd pop over and say hi, i love the fact that i get two for the price of one on this swap!!! :)
ReplyDeletelove the new look desk its fab, might even pinch the idea for my daughters new room!!!
Go on, tell us what it was that you cut up? War & Peace? Twinkle Annual? Fishing Today?....