Hello lovelies!
Its been a busy busy week...what with a Craft Fair to attend and lots of extra hours at the day job (due to an awesome music weekend.)
So with out further ado...

In the run up to the craft fair I had sewing on/with me at all times...these Warm Thoughts were given their eyes during a coffee and crumpet break at a lovely cafe called Moochoos (I'm a regular customer there. If your local please pop in and say hello to the gent who runs it...the coffee is great and the cakes are wonderful!) 
Another current obsession of mine...putting succulents into china cups (I'm concerned I may have posted this picture before...my apologies if I have)

Dust Bunnies.

Crabbittz and Little April tags waiting to be attached.

A tiny gap in sewing meant I could do a bit of work on the printing tray that Arthur brought me...I'm going to stick some lovely scraps of Sanna Annuka wrapping paper (which I've been saving up for ages) into some of the bigger spaces to break up the brown.

Yes dear readers...believe it or not that's a picture of one half of StuffedNonsense (can you see me?...I'm the one behind the suitcase...with a gormless grin on my face)

And here is a picture of the other half of StuffedNonsense...El. Being the highly organised duo that we are we were still cutting business cards by the time the craft fair started.

New Stuff...we thought we would make the Human Beans big...they come in a brown kraft shoe box which have Human Bean stamped on them.

And here are the more traditional sized ones.

This lovely lady was our neighbour. I was super pleased that she was next to us because I discovered her work a few weeks back and sent her a rather embarrassing email saying how awesome I thought her stuff was and how I was pleased that she was based in Cheltenham like us. It was lovely to meet her in person and have a good old chinwag about trying to go it on your own. Her name is Megan Alice and she's the talented lady behind Megan Alice England....click on her name and follow the link to her website and shop...do it!....you wont be disappointed. 
Whilst your over on her website please buy me the coral coloured purse you can see in the back of this picture...thank you.

There were lots of classic cars at the craft fair.
It wasn't an official Craft Fair it was called Cheltenhams Midsummer Fiesta.
unfortunately for us crafty types people weren't really expecting wondrous hand made items and as a result were reluctant to a)look properly and b)part with their hard earned money.
It was also a bit awkward as there were a few charity and religious stalls handing out leaflets which kind of put people off looking closely because they thought we were going to try and preach/get money of off them.
everyone deserves a stall and what not...I just think it could have been better organised i.e. having all of the hand made stalls together and all of the charity stalls together...does that makes sense? (oh dear...I hope that doesn't come across as a rant)

How much would we give for a Moris Minor Traveller?...(the answer is a lot)

One of our last customers of the day didn't have any shoes on...it made me chuckle when I saw his feet...so I took a picture of it.
Right, i'm off for an early night...
My apologies if the rant half way through this post annoyed anyone