Congratulations Beth from The Linen Cat....I'm rather chuffed that it was this lovely lady that won because i have followed her blog from the beginning of my blogging adventure, and every time she makes something i fall a little bit in love with which ever item she's made. Please go and have a look at her blog because the things she makes are truly wondrous!.
Right, i shall return tomorrow with pictures of the result of all of the manic sewing i have been doing.
Isn't it wonderful?? To some it may seem like a horribly tacky old tea trolley, but to me it is a wonderful retro solution to the impending storage crisis about to arise with the on set of frantic Christmas sewing. You see my sewing desk was getting to be a mess with various projects awaiting completion, but with this wheeled wonder i can carefully stack the half finished projects into neat piles and kid myself that by shifting them around and neatly stacking them i am actually getting closer to completing them.Also my jars of buttons and knitting needles look cute on top....i wish i could crochet...if i could i would make some of these like the talented Tif...
Another 'essential' purchase on this recuperative trip to the charity shop (i was sick at the weekend) was this lovely tartan coat...
Well...i was supposed to start work on the dustbunnies at 12...and its rather past that now!
Speak Soon..
Sooo, there you go, hopefully some peeps will enter and then we can send out a package of wonderfulness to one lucky StuffedNonsense fan (said package will include a Crabbittz...of course)
(taken from UtilityDesigns flickr stream)
(picture taken from stellab1's flickr stream)
(photo taken from Suzy Que's Flickr Stream)
Soo cute and soo squishable, they are now (well hopefully will be in the next few days) winging their way to MADE in Cirencester.
It was rather lovely to lose myself in some hand stitching for a few hours.
Next week (Thursday-Sunday) El and I will be at the End Of The Road Festival running more monster making workshops. We're both really excited about it but I'm worried i will be teaching 8 year olds to make monsters when i could be watching this rather wonderful lady sing her rather wonderful songs....fingers crossed hey??
Because of our trip to Dorset the StuffedNonsense will be shut, but do not fear! we will return post haste with lots of new and exciting ideas for you all!
Stay Safe!
P.S. Pictures of the most recent Craft Night In are now up on the blog, take a gander!
Well, i really should stop procrastinating and cut some lopsy lapins.
Just so you know the shops going to be shut this Friday (new job getting their heads around my availability, Also on Saturday the shops shut but we will be running a stall at the Brewery in Cheltenham which is about 10 minutes from the shop so you could come and see us there if you want??
Anyway, stay dry!
(We made fifteen in total!)(These three are up for sale on folksy.)
Inside each pack is enough monster making supplies to make a rather sweet palm sized monster.
There is also a sheet of instructions included with some of El's rather lovely illustrations, we liked the little pictures of monsters soo much we have decided to come up with some stationary sets with them on. What do you think??
Anyway...time to get on with the rest of our Saturday.
Take Care